Our Community.

The word “community” in the centre’s name encourages family and wider community involvement, which is an integral part of the management of the kindergarten.

Top Benefits of a Community Kindergarten

Not for Profit purpose – any profit is reinvested to benefit the children – not paid to commercial owners or shareholders.

Strength of Service - Managed by the parents of children attending which strengthens the community investment in the service. Each family becomes a member of the Association.

Reflect Community Values - Community kindergartens can make decisions that reflect their community – which is exactly how Jamboree Community Kindergarten came to be. A community minded group of parents recognised the need for a quality kindergarten in the area and invested a lot of time, effort, and personal financial guarantees to make it happen. A place where connections, relationships, and networks for families are fostered.

Parental Leadership Excellence - Parents have the opportunity to give back to the community by volunteering to help with any jobs that can contribute to or by joining the management committee. This is an amazing opportunity for parents to make a direct impact and difference to their children’s lives from the very beginning of their education. The is an exceptional opportunity for parents to volunteer – to proudly contribute to their community – to ensure an effectively run centre for the year that their child attends and to ensure kindergarten excellence is available for the community for future generations.

We all can make a difference

Jamboree Community Kindergarten (JCK) is a meeting place for children to explore, discover, engage and play. The word kindergarten translates into garden for children. JCK is the perfect ‘garden for children’ as they interact with nature as they play, plant, nurture, explore, observe and discover in their own playground (garden) and have access to the local bush and creek. The kindergarten is purpose built and well-resourced with the natural environment in mind. Highly professional long serving educators who are committed to the best educational outcome for each child and continuing ongoing professional development work together as a team. There is a strong emphasis on working collaboratively and in partnership with families and the community to provide an EXCEEDING early childhood educational program for young children. We are co-located beside Jamboree Heights State School and connected with the local school communities. Your child is with the same educators and 21 other children each day they attend the kindergarten which is affiliated with C&K, our Central Governing Body that supports the educators and parent community.

“Come and Play at JCK”

2023 JCK Management Committee Team

2022 JCK Management Committee Team

2021 JCK Management Committee Team

Membership of Management Committee

As a community-run, not-for-profit kindergarten, JCK is managed by a committee of parents who give their time voluntarily to ensure our kindergarten continues to offer valuable and enriching learning experiences for our children.


Parents are encouraged to be involved in the day-to-day program and other aspects of learning during the year. Families are encouraged to support the kindergarten through a variety of roles including:

  • Participating within the program through parent roster – an excellent way to be involved with your child in the kindergarten environment.

  • Helping at the working bees each year

  • Library borrowing and returning books– helping children choose a book each week to read at home

  • Gardening with the children in the vegetable gardens

  • Taking on a role as a member of the management committee

  • Enjoying the annual children’s disco with other families

  • Joining in social events organised by parent liaison officers

  • Families are encouraged to share skills, knowledge and relevant career information with the children

  • Families are encouraged to share cultural experiences and traditions with the children

Wider Community

Local school

We have continued involvement with JAMBOREE HEIGHTS STATE SCHOOL, Prep students and teachers sharing morning tea and play in Under 8’s week, Sports day in August and end of year celebrations.


In previous years, educators, children and families have been raising money for those less fortunate than ourselves.  In 2018 children and families raised money through donations and projects to purchase 7 chickens, 2 bio digestors and $460 towards the purchase of BIG hay bales for drought relief.

To date in 2019 the children and families have donated 6 chickens and 2 vegetable gardens. They are also raising money through the CONTAINERS FOR CHANGE scheme. Our management committee matches the money raised and it is being sent to a community kindergarten in Western Queensland. The drought has impacted many families in the area and the money raised is used by the kindergarten to purchase resources for the children.

In 2020 the children and families raised funds for Hive Aid through the CONTAINERS FOR CHANGE scheme. Hive Aid assists Australian Beekeepers who have been severely affected by bushfires and drought.

In 2021 the kindergarten donated to Baby Give Back, a local charity supporting families with newborns and young children. Families contributed during the year by donating requested items e.g nappies, wipes, children’s books, tooth brushes and tooth paste etc. Families also sent in cans and plastic bottles for recycling and the money raised contributed to purchasing the items required by Baby Give Back.